Technical Data Sheet

Shawa Crude Vermiculite, characterized by its golden/brown, shiny flakes, originates from the alteration of phlogopite mica. This vermiculite is available in various grades, differentiated by particle size as outlined in the accompanying table.

Table 1: Crude Shawa Vermiculite Particle Size Distribution

GradeParticle Size Range (mm)Non‐exfoliating (grit)
Large4.00 – 10.00 (+70%)<8%
Medium2.00 – 4.00 (+70%)<8%
Fine0.71 – 2.00 (+80%)<15%
Superfine0.50 – 1.00 (+70%)<15%
Micron0.30 – 0.71 (+70%)<15%

Table 2: Shawa Vermiculite Chemical Analysis

ElementsTypical ranges %
SiO₂Silicon Dioxide36.00 – 39.00
TiO₂Titanium Dioxide0.45 – 0.70
Al₂O₃Aluminum Oxide8.00 – 11.00
Fe₂O₃Iron Oxide5.00 – 6.50
MnOManganese Oxide0.08 – 0.20
MgOMagnesium Oxide24.00 – 26.00
CaOCalcium Oxide0.30 – 1.00
Na₂OSodium Oxide<0.1
K₂OPotassium Oxide<0.2
P₂O₅Phosphorus Pentoxide<0.6

Upon heating, Shawa Vermiculite undergoes exfoliation, transforming into expanded, layered, accordion-shaped particles with a pale white colour. Key properties include high fire resistance, low density, minimal thermal conductivity, and high absorbency.

Table 3: Shawa Vermiculite Other Typical Properties

GradeYield l/kgLoss on Ignition %Exfoliated Bulk Density g/l
Large12 - 13< 1564
Medium10.8 - 12< 1573
Fine10 - 11< 1580
Superfine10 -11< 1580
Micron8 - 10< 2085


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